Questions about the Real estate residence permit in Turkey
In short, it is a renewable residence permit, granted to foreigners who own real estate or properties in Turkey. Real estate residence permit (residence in Turkey by buying a property) is usually granted for one year, also the wife and children under the age of 18 are entitled to obtain residence permits as they are considered to be the escorts of the owner.
Among the most important advantages of real estate residence permit:
- The landlord and his/her family members have the right to enjoy all residence permit rights in Turkey, and allow the entry to Turkey without visas or prior security clearances.
- Real estate residence permit (residence in Turkey by buying a real estate) is similar to the tourist residence permit in several aspects, but the real estate residence permit is considered stronger in terms of renewability and the granted duration.
- Opening a bank account in one of the Turkish banks, and enjoying the freedom of banking and receiving and sending money.
- The possibility of applying to an embassy of another country from inside Turkey to obtain its visa.
- You can apply for a Turkish driver’s license.
- The right to own a private car in Turkey.
- An opportunity to obtain medical insurance in Turkey’s hospitals.
- Registration in Turkish schools and universities.
- Holders of real estate residence permit are also entitled to apply for Turkish citizenship if their real estate property value reaches 400 thousand USD and within specific conditions.
To obtain a real estate residence permit, it is required that:
- The foreigner must own a residence or property intended for residence, and that it is used for residence.
- The property must be registered in the Land Registry and the title deed must be obtained.
- Obtaining all the required documents and the necessary legal forms.
The required documents to apply for a real estate residence permit in Turkey are:
- Title deed of the property.
- Earthquakes insurance of the real estate.
- A passport with six months validity at least.
- A family statement of the children, translated into Turkish and ratified by the Turkish embassy in the home country.
- Health insurance in the Turkish territory for each family member.
The real estate residence permit is usually granted for one or two years, and it is possible to renew it annually.
This matter does not differ between a province and the other in terms of the duration of the real estate residence permit granted and estimating that is up to the responsible administration, with the possibility of granting two years of residence permit to whoever those who have health insurance that covers this period, in addition to having the same validity period in the passport too.
Those who want to obtain real estate residence in Turkey should pay attention to the fact that the price of the property to be purchased must be $75,000 onwards in large cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Gaziantep, Adana and Mersin.
The property in smaller Turkish cities must be worth $50,000 onwards if the foreign investor wishes to obtain real estate residency in Turkey.
It should be noted that the real estate valuation report should be equal to the mentioned minimum value to ensure the extraction of a real estate residence permit.
The costs of applying for a real estate residence permit in Turkey are simple and easy, as they are limited to health insurance whose value varies according to the age group, and some other fees.
The Syrians are among the nationalities that the Turkish law does not allow them to own real estate directly within the Turkish Republic territory, but they are entitled to own by establishing a company and registering the property in the name of that company. Therefore, the Syrians are not entitled to obtain a real estate residence permit, but they are entitled to get other types of residencies.
Owning a property in Turkey worth $ 400,000 gives the owner the right to apply for and obtain the Turkish citizenship, this right includes the owner of the property, the wife/husband, and the children under the age of 18.
But if the real estate value is less than $400,000, the owner is not entitled to apply for Turkish citizenship until he/she includes other properties to his/her ownership, and the total value of the property reaches the specified value mentioned above.
Turkish Citizenship Questions
Turkish citizenship can be obtained through real estate investment with more than $400 thousand in Turkey, along with a pledge not to sell the property for 3 years.
The Turkish passport can be obtained through investment and it has several situations, such as real estate investment of an apartment or commercial store in Turkey, provided that the price of the property is more than 400 thousand dollars.
The citizenship law in Turkey which is published in the Turkish Official Newspaper on 19-09-2018 includes the possibility to apply for Turkish citizenship, according to one of the following ways:
- Buying a property worth more than $ 400,000, and not selling it for 3 years.
- A fixed investment with a value of no less than 500 thousand USD.
- Providing job opportunities for 50 Turkish citizens at least.
- Depositing no less than 500 thousand dollars in a Turkish bank.
- Buying a property in Turkey from a Turkish citizen or from a Turkish legal person (such as buying from Turkish real estate company).
- The property must have a statutory title deed (a title deed must be issued to it) even if it is still under construction.
- The price of the property is more than 400 thousand USD.
- Paying the price of the property through a bank transfer from a bank outside or inside Turkey.
- The buyer pledges not to sell the property for 3 years.
The dollar exchange rate will be calculated according to the official rate on the date of purchase, according to the price of the Turkish Central Bank bulletin.
The Turkish government has opened a special office regarding citizenship, it receives requests of investors and speeds up the process of studying the files. Issuing the citizenship decision takes up to 45 days after receiving the file with all the required documents.
No, after receiving the file with all required documents, the citizenship decision is taken after studying the file at the Turkish government only.
Turkish citizenship can be obtained in several ways including buying a property in Turkey, provided that the date of buying the property is after 12/1/2017.
The easiest and fastest way to obtain Turkish citizenship in less than 90 days is to apply for citizenship after purchasing a property that conforms to citizenship conditions in Turkey.
- The property that was purchased on 2022 and later must be at least $ 400,000.
- The property that was purchased on 19/09/2018 and later must be at least $ 250,000.
- The property purchased between 12/01/2017 and 18/09/2018 must be at least $ 1 million worth.
No, residence in Turkey is not required to obtain Turkish citizenship, you can obtain Turkish citizenship after purchasing the property in Turkey, even if the place of your permanent residence is outside of Turkey.
- Yes, it is enough to buy one property, provided that it worth a value of more than $ 400,000.
- You can also buy several properties on the condition that their combined value is more than $ 400,000.
No, the property can only be sold after 3 years from the date of purchase and you must write a pledge not to sell the property for 3 years. This pledge is recorded within the title deed.
It is possible to hold more than one nationality in Turkey, and there are no conditions by the Turkish government regarding the waiver of your original nationality when obtaining Turkish citizenship.
The duration of obtaining Turkish citizenship for investors may take up to 90 days to complete all legal and statutory procedures and approvals.
After purchasing a property conforms to the conditions of Turkish citizenship and applying for Turkish citizenship, a residence permit is issued to you and your family quickly.
Residing in Turkey is not required after purchasing the property, but the property should not be sold for 3 years.
The Turkish government studies the file for each investor and based on the security study of the file, the decision to grant citizenship is taken independently for each application. The decision is issued if approved by the Presidency of the republic.
- Choosing a suitable property conforms to the conditions of Turkish citizenship.
- Paying for the property through a bank transfer from inside or outside Turkey.
- Placing a reservation on the property that prevents it from being sold for three years after obtaining the title deed.
- Obtaining a letter from the Land Registry Directorate stating that the property conforms with conditions for obtaining citizenship.
- Applying at the citizenship office to obtain an investor residence and start the studying of the file.
- If the file is approved, the citizenship decision will be issued to the investor, his wife, and children under 18 years of age. The investor and his entire family can receive passports and national ID cards from Turkey or one of the Turkish representations abroad.
If you acquire Turkish citizenship after the age of 22, you will be exempted from military service in Turkey. All details of the Military Service Law provided to you by Imtilak Real Estate in the following article:
More than one partner in one property can obtain Turkish citizenship when the value of each partner’s share in the property is more than $ 400,000 for example if the number of partners is 2, then the value of the property must be more than 1.000.000 dollars for each partner to obtain the Turkish citizenship.
The Turkish government does not require the waiver of original nationality upon obtaining Turkish citizenship, but there may be other legal controls from the government of the other country of which the investor holds its nationality.
The investors who obtain Turkish citizenship will enjoy all the rights of the Turkish citizens, and they will obtain the Turkish passport that entitles them to enter several countries without a visa.
No, proficiency in the Turkish language is required to obtain Turkish citizenship.
Turkish citizenship for a Syrian citizen can be obtained through one of the following methods:
- A fixed investment with a value of no less than 500 thousand USD.
- Providing job opportunities for at least 50 Turkish citizens.
- Depositing no less than 500 thousand dollars in a Turkish bank.
If the Syrian investors succeed in obtaining Turkish citizenship through one of these methods, then they have the right to buy real estate in Turkey like any Turkish citizen.
The application for Turkish citizenship passes through eight stages, as follows:
- First stage: Handing the documents over and checking from by the state.
- Second stage: sending the documents to the capital, Ankara, to check the file and collect information.
- Third stage: the evaluation of the citizenship department of the file.
- Fourth stage: Research, audit, and investigation by several directorates and ministries in Turkey to issue the final evaluation.
- Fifth stage: Collecting several approved applications in one list, and submitting them for approval.
- Sixth stage: issuing the final decision.
- Seventh stage: After ratifying the citizenship grant decision, the files are sent to the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs.
- Eighth stage: Review of Directorate of Population to receive the new identity.
Note that in the case of applying for citizenship in exchange for an investment, the submission will be to the citizenship office immediately after fulfilling the investment conditions, to obtain the investor’s residence and start studying the Turkish citizenship file. If the file is approved, the citizenship decision of the investor and his family will be issued, passports and national identity cards can be received from Turkey or one of the Turkish representations abroad.
Yes, our professional legal team in Best Point Real Estate can assist you in all governmental procedures and proceedings, complete all required forms and documents, ratify and translate them, and submitting the completed file for you and your family to the citizenship office.
You can make a delegate to our legal team in Imtilak Real Estate to follow all the procedures on your behalf, and you can rest assured in a full-of-confidence atmosphere.
Yes, this can be done by purchasing a property worth more than $ 400,000 in Turkey
According to the amendments to the Real Estate Ownership Law in Turkey, most citizens of countries of the world are now able to purchase real estate in Turkey, except for citizens of a few countries. Therefore, investors of all the nationalities that are allowed to own property in Turkey may apply for Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport, after purchasing real estate in Turkey worth more than 400 thousand US dollars.